A public – partnership dedicated to advancing the regulatory science in the medical device space. It’s members include the FDA, the NIH, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, industry and nonprofits.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is releasing a Request for Information (RFI) to elicit the advice and best analysis of knowledgeable persons in the vendor community to provide recommended solutions for
the Let’s Get Healthy California (LGHC) indicators website.
Nurse Manager Angela Overman describes the UNC Health Care Innovations Unit’s mission to provide better, fast, more affordable care through continuous improvements.
As a preliminary to the US Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, the House Committee Chariman, Fred Upton (R) Michigan and Congresswoman Diana DiGette (D) Colorado announced the committee’s healthcare innovation strategies. With a goal of America as the “healthcare innovation capitol of the world,” the committee is focused on the federal drug and […]